Polzeath Marine Conservation Group
Links to online information
Within this site there are many links to other useful websites of interest. Here on the ‘links’ page you will find links to some of our favourite marine and plastic pollution related educational sites... we hope you like them as much as we do. To the right of this page you will find a selection of the downloadable resources found within the websites listed below.
Blue Flag:
We are proud to make a valuable contribution to Polzeath's Blue Flag award. Each beach must provide at least five environmental education activities to the public, preferably during its Blue Flag season. For all your blue flag questions!
British Divers Marine Life Rescue:
An important website - noting the work of the volunteer network of trained marine mammal medics who respond to call outs about stranded or distressed marine animals. Contact details can be found on their home page.
Clean Our Oceans: The Impact Of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch:
(The link to this article was sent to us by David and Jessica from Denver, CO. It is amazing to think that people so far away are checking in on our little website. Thank you for messaging us - and we hope that the link below is also of help to your ongoing research.)
Cornish Plastic Pollution Coalition:
PMCG is a member of this organisation that works in coalition with the many conservation groups involved with plastic pollution with an objective to improve the awareness of, or ideally solve, the important pollution issues with those that have power to take action.
Cornish Rock Pools:
This website is run by a marine conservation volunteer and has a brilliant resource for identifying what type of crab you have found. Visit this site for loads of interesting facts and amazing photos.
Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust:
For everything you need to know about seals in Cornwall, including contact details for seal strandings.
Cornwall Wildlife Trust:
To keep up-to-date on all things Marine, this website is great. Make sure you check out the tab titled 'Living seas', and select 'Shoresearch Cornwall' from the dropdown menu to see how you can help record the species and habitats of the Cornish shore.
Keep Britain Tidy BeachCare:
Keep Britian Tidy helped breathe life into the BeachCare project. Our local Polzeath BeachCare Group are very active and play a special role in the community, especially in helping to gain Blue Flag status.
Marine Biological Association:
The MBA promote research into ocean habitats and the life these support. Their website evidences research, projects, resources for teachers, and much more. Please check out their 'citizen science' page for many interesting ways you can get involved in recording essential data.
Marine Conservation Society:
This website is a host of information on all things marine conservation including downloadable guides on topics such as jellyfish and alien species. The MCS has over 30 years of campaigning history and their website helps you to find out how you can get involved...
The Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN):
To quote from their website: 'MarLIN hosts the largest review of the effects of human activities and natural events on marine species and habitats yet undertaken.' The information accessible is simply amazing...
National Trust:
The National Trust are great at engaging people, and their website celebrates this. With events to go to, volunteering to feed the soul, and places to visit.
ORKS (Online Recording Kernow and Scilly) a wildlife recording website run by the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS):
Go to the webiste, download the app, and get out there!
The Ocean CleanUp:
A Netherlands based non-profit organisation working to remove plastic pollution.
Our Only World: https://www.ouronlyworld.org.uk/
A Polzeath based organisation whose mission is to help restore ocean health with proven and scalable solutions. PMCG has worked with OOW to install the water refill station in Polzeath.
Plymouth University Marine Conservation Research Group:
Investigating the consequences of human activity on marine biodiversity and its ecosystem services. Maybe as a consequence of its location, our nearby university has become a world leader in research and education of our marine environment.
Polzeath Beach Ranger Service:
Funded by local taxpayers, our beach rangers watch over the wonderful Polzeath sands to ensure our visitors are comfortable and that local laws are enforced. Note that they do not have law enforcement rights, but they know people who do!
A movement aiming to get more people drinking tap water from reuseable containers rather than single use plastic bottles. Check the website for an app to find your local 'watering hole'...
For all things bird, check out the RSPB website. This link takes you to the page about sea birds, but there is plenty of information about the birds in your garden too...
Sea-Changers raise money for marine conservation and research projects. They provide this funding to various organisations and community led marine groups. Check out their website and discover if you are a Sea-Changer.
Shark Trust:
For every shark query, go here first. Loads of information, resources, and ideas for how to do your bit for shark conservation.
Shoresearch Cornwall: https://www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk/what-we-do/our-conservation-work/at-sea/shoresearch
Part of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust, this organisation manages our marine research surveys.
Shore Shapers:
Shore Shapers is a multi-partner project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. This link takes you to a page describing the Shore Shapers Guide and how to use it. A resource well worth viewing.
Surfers Against Sewage:
A campaigning charity made up of water lovers who protect the ocean and all it makes possible.
Through innovative and ambitious
campaigning and education programmes, SAS is building a community that cares deeply about the planet we live on, that cares passionately about the ocean, and that knows the difference people power can really make. SAS also offer a valuable app for SEWAGE ALERTS:
The Final Straw, Cornwall:
The people behind The Final Straw aim to make Cornwall the first UK County to be plastic straw free people. They have made this useful and interactive website to help you live without plastic straws...
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):
This link is to 'Oceans and Seas' part of the UNEP website - which holds a wealth of information about our planet and the impact humans are having upon it. Access to reports can be found in the resources section of their website.